Testify To Love (Album Version)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

goodness. i can't believe i'm blogging AGAIN. this is getting to be a little habitual haha. i feel like putting up a neon billboard and saying WATCH THIS SPACE! in garish colours, but i've a hunch it 1) won't go down well with the well-mannered audience :D 2) afore-mentioned well mannere-ed audience would happily number 0 after my little repartee and fling with Mr tasteless billboard. :D


today! i! went! for! chem! consult! :D which actually translates into crazy noob sessions with SITII [who else, seriously :D:D:D] and GRACE and WEIXIAN. oh and GRACE'S beloved! haha and i must SO post about grace!

siti: so. how long did you spend talking to him? -insert askance glances and smothered giggles between siti and joanne-
grace: about two hours. WOOHOO! *tosses head*

heeheeeheeeeeeee. i shall try to be cool from now on and start a new trend. instead of sayign heehee or haha or cancan or yesyes, i shall say heesquared or ha squared or can squared, you get my drift. :D haha. i mean hasquared. was reminded of this by kok-squared! which was a lead-on from the bee-yoo-tee-fully touching card from lynette, and puff and.. AHHH I MISS MY 411! but 6Q ROCKS ALL MY PINK SOCKS! <3

haha [pongs i keep forgetting to use hasquared] and today was. COUGH. well the front-er part of today. be still thy thudding heart. ah whatever. i'll just be content that my whole life is in God's hands and He watches over me and every single turn my life takes. and somewhere [over the rainbow :)] He's watching over my special someone too. :) it's wonderful to know that God's in control over EVERY SINGLE BITTY ITTY thing and that no matter what, i'm as loved as possible by Him already. <3

heehee SHOUTOUT TO SITI MAH LOVEE! haha girl talks work wodners and yay we're so in the same boat/league/crocodile-infested-treacherous-waters! :) yay i love you loads *huggles*

alternating between hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold doesn't make for happy living nor happily ever afters