YES YES YES! this is utterly bimbotic but i'm going to dance randomly around my room for the sheer joy that blogger has relented in its hate against me and i can blog! HOORAYNESS! haha pox had to post my poem for me cause i couldn't get into blogger so now! yay! resurrection! haha okay flippant use of ! gets annoying. sometimes. but!double!eu!dee!vee!
oh man. where do i begin to blog. it's been about what a week plus? and ten thousands of things have happened. Thank God for the many happyhappy things that have happened! but ahh sometimes i'm so busy i just want to drop out of this whole turbocharged life and retreat into my room with just a book on my lap and a trusty bottle of water.
haha so i'm just going to be lazy and blog like this.
class chalet. funfunfun! 6Q+bbq+overnighters=much love for life! wii racing with lei whee. super loud singing to mass appeal songs. summertime guys! bbqing otahs with sam. making faux otahs. random talking at macs. she's the man. POLAR BEAR!!! :DDD scary movie 4 scared me. jukie grace joanne one bed no space. siti sleeping soundly :D. bluetoothing songs with grace. bathing at swimming pool toilets. hankering for waffles. biking. wind in hair mud on shirt. samsoh and yix's dare. mud. splashes. even more mud :D. lunch yum. photospree! look below haha. pretending to watch dark waters. quadrapop highscore woots HAHA. munchies in bed. home. overflowing laundry baskets. family shopping. yummy dinner.
suntec shopping. new blouse! yay! dinnering at touristy spot. pretending to be tourists. trigger happy sister. HAHAHA.
ben&jerry's finally! mark the loverboy :D. FORCED msging :D. national library. books! yay
changi airport dinner! losing of the sis. cause she didn't know t1 from t2 -.- haha. trigger happy sister again. death of the phone batt. eager thumbs on numbers and letters (:
cell! speedlight. commitment and conviction. searing of the heartstrings. ): long long long GM at amanda's house. waiting and checking. waiting and checking. samuel's pig! >:( haha
filing. filing. filing. filing. filing. amazement at the amassment of such massive amounts of paper. rocking back on heels. reminscent. 010107. random scribblings on lecture notes. rawr i'm hungry. paper terror. beebee. compass. l8.d8.j8.m8 :D. dust bunnies unfurling. dusty fingers. toes stubbed in dust. vacuuming!
bestestfriendsholdonforlife (:. askance glances and shared giggles. colin raye's love me. aslyn's that's when i love you. shopping at spotlight. pretty scrapbooks! boring banmian :D. outfitter girls. raffles city fountain countain. soupspoon. unglam chicken XD. esplanade's open roof top. 2 girls. 2 hours. teetering on the brink of. questions. fears. hopes. dreams. love.
okay i'm getting tired haha so i'm just going to be lazy and do this.
s&d! yay odance fun steps funny pace fast waltzing like a chicken lei's partner. ditched for jukie! :O heehee books. piano. jay's secret. family outing!
phew okay that was one long list! haha worth all the time and effort to remember though. but grahhh wished i could have gone for airport sendoff and receiving the councillors! ): haha i want more times with 6Q. moremoremoremoremoremoremoremore. before j2 draws close and ends in the blink of an eye. aye. i.
oh dear i think i'm becoming more nonsensical. it's all the pent up entries that i haven't been able to blog i tell you! so pictures for now! :D
siti! gesturing wildly with her spoonful of tausuan. HAHA! :D
haha sma with weird eyebrows!
okay i've sat at the comp for like 1 whole hour posting EVERYTHING! haha yay (: