djskfhasgcasybsdtc! i feel high one moment, insanely questionable the next, insecure in the following lapse of time then contented all over again. just add FLIPPING TIRED and FLIPPING RED AND SUNBURNT to the concoction and you have the winning combination tadahhh! well done. x_x
life after cts has been insanely packed ): even in the 2/3 days. sometimes i really want to delete every single commitment from my life and just be selfish, butt everyone out and say MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME i want time to myself only! haiZzZzZzZZxXxXxXxXx gayganz is a bad influence.
so. cts were Completely Traumatising. woohoo what's new! haha but i've been watching goong as my destressant ((: and it has completely 1) enhanced my multilingualism by 0.0005% 2)introduced me to another specimen of the T___, D___ and N__ S_ H______ species of which i am going to rid myself off SOON (: yay grace will be proud. " YOU MUST HARDEN YOUR HEART OR YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT! " i qouth and unqouth.
then on thurs had training for comps on sat at the ri field. it's synthetic grass! which gets stuck in yr shirt when you happily lie down and make you itch till the cows come home ): can faint the sun was like from the scene of every model chinese compo pls! total fulfilment of the feng he ri li criteria. so we all did horizontal and vertical stacks and baked happily like potatoes. yum
like our potato salad for bbq on fri! (: but before that was Good Friday service, which was really timely. life's been tough and sometimes all the various random ingredients that clutter the recipe for happiness just takes my attention away from God. and sometimes the entire feeling of being a misunderstood soul who holds the affections of people away from her at arm's length for fear of disappointing them or hurting them proves too overwhelming. ahwell. fri's mime was reallyreallyreallyreally good; reminded me of the true Reason for it all and how He's always always there for me and i dont have to worry about misconstrued notions and whatnot. Ray Boltz's watch the lamb is just an awesome song replete with meaning (: go youtube it and listen or smth!
right. so it was insane-ness trying to get all the food ready for bbq! to cut a longgg story short - food was great. ecp is insanely big; bigger than what singapore should be capable of. ants like raw chicken. playing frisbee facing the sea is Not A Good Idea. dont buy chickenwings based on the presumption that guys eat their weight - chickenwings are almost always left over - what am i saying, they ARE always leftover period haha. be a trendsetter and share your chickensausage/crabstick with someone - save food save the earth! and you may even end up getting your first kiss when your heads are oh-so-accidentally slammed into each other XD YAY for happy gullible boys! being at the breakwater IS romantic ogay? ogay. (:
then beach fiesta frisbee comps! which was the bomb. literally in terms of heat and killerness. runnign BAREFOOT on BAKING SIZZLING SAND is Never A Good Idea. we were foaming at the second game and i think the only reason why we even ran sometimes was just to pseudo achieve levitation for that miniscule moment and get off the sand. so hot la. and the amount of skin on parade was really quite obscene eww. but yay was very very fun! but my skin veryvery painful nowzz )): someone save me. )):
and i want to go science centre! it was supposed to be the HIGHLIGHT of the end of cts! D: sighs but when life throwns you a curveball you sigh accept it move on and then blame it on darn ol' Buble for making you so sway.