Testify To Love (Album Version)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
and faster than you can follow me from this lonely place. and farther than you can find me, I'm leaving
i don't think you'll know what's beneath this facade sometimes
msn etiquette cuts me down to size sometimes
oh look a looker!
when you're telling me that i'm the only one who blows your mind
nahh they were just crisps
sigh. dismembered thoughts ftw. ptw.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i force its hands way back
hoping time would just backtrack
the hands go round and round
changes occur without a sound
3 hours of phonetime dwindle to nought,
back in tangled webs we're caught
seconds become agonising yet weeks crumble to dust
but thirds are certainly a must
you take one hand i take the other
clockwise counterclockwise we're none the wiser
a clap's a resolution yet we don't hear a sound,
cause it takes 2 to tango
but neither turns around.
Friday, June 13, 2008
cause her daddy mommy and meimei will be back! (:
spent the past 3 days at pris' house which was thumbsupthumbsupthumbsup! cause we get to have extended girltalks and bestestfriends time (: and nigel crashed our girly fun! :O on the first night where we talked till 2 in the dark and childishly snatched at each others' bed/pillow/bolster/blanket :D and looked at all the cool things at fredflare.com
i'm tired of blogging.
i think what i blog is very boring.
i read also bored, type also bored. BORING! D:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
dear Lord, please get me through this and make me a stronger person.
and the past 2 /3 days were horrendous cause i got drenched by lemuel with a bucket of rainwater, sat in the aircon for 4 hours, moved bunkbeds in the drizzle and alas fell even sicker. like 39degrees sick. ):
okay enough whinging.
joanne chan you are a big girl, not a jellyfish with no backbone. now mop yourself off the ground and try to maintain at least a semblance of dignity.
okay to all out there furiously wrestling with tutorials and notes! God bless and jiayou! (:
and you know what? HAVE A NICE LIFE. you wind me up and made me so confused and now i wash my hands off everything to do with you. kthxbye.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
haha you know i actually LIKE doing math and the exercises but it's already getting so dry (like cookies without milk) and draining (like spaghetti in the salad bowl) and dull (like sunshine kept too long) that i really dont know what's going to happen when i move on to the other subjects like CHEM and HISTORY. zounds. i am currently pouting at the computer. not a pretty sight.
and ah! i wanted to make a list! of the things i want to do/hope to do! a randomly thrown-together list of randomities. i like lists. cause they're so tidy. but i like long rambling reams of words dropping off the edges of pages too. (:
and pongs! i just remembered. my entire family's going away to church retreat next weeeeeekk! entire, meaning i'm the only one left to rattle forlornly in this shell of a house ): i shall go to school and study cause that settles my food for the day. haha cause knowing me, i'll be too lazy, sian and generally unwilling to move more than 10m to go out and get proper food. so how! eat cupnoodles until phat ah! siaooooo. HAHA. hello people go school study okay so i can have people to talk to and eat lunch and dinner with (:
oh yea my list!
- watch my fair lady, singing in the rain and dimsum dollies in the flesh. yay musicals be the love
- sit quietly at changi boardwalk in the wee hours of dawn
- walk around my neighbourhood before everyone wakes up; in the quiet calm before the morning rush
- lie on the sand at the far end of changi beach facing the open sea during twilight
- stand at my bedroom window and yell for as long, as loud, as much as i like
- finish watching goong! goodness i'm still stuck at ep 17
- hike along railway tracks (as in real TRAIN railways not mrt lines HAHA)
- eat my ikea meatballsssss
- esplanade rooftop, listening to baybeats below
- vivo amphi, talking past 10pm :D :D :D come on encore encore!
- i've always had this dream: to be on this rocky precipice, far above sea level and overhanging a caldera filled with clear water. there're frail willow trees and sturdy evergreens daintily dotting the background. i'm on my knees and just in awe of God's creation and i just seem closer to the sky than the ground. and the skies' as blue as the water below.
- buy the box's whole collection
- viking ship with a whole load of people, screaming whenever we dip and our hearts fly into our mouths
- learn the guitar (:
- overnight biking/blading round-singapore trip
- finally FINISH the cross-stitch i started 6 years ago -.-
- tidy my room! wtp! at this rate i'm going to have to wade through my stuff to go to sleep every night
- go for pottery classes
- go back to ppis ((:
- sit on the bridge near the indoor stadium at night talking rubbish
- read through the entire Bible!
sounds awesome, every single one of them. and what's best is i can do them alone, with my family, with friends, anyone! and it'll still be as brilliant. (:
was going to post wonderful songs that are becoming my earworms but i think this post has WAYYY exceeded normal length. haha k you! stop reading go mug! :D yay i'm being an enabler; i enable you to remember that you should be mugging and not reading!
Monday, June 02, 2008
reallyreally. it's been the best thing/outing i've been to in eons. beats orientation hands down HAHA okay la maybe it can do with some competition from our SUBCOMM :O but yea i think the last time when such an outing just left me feeling so subtly and yet profoundly happy was p6gep. maybe that's cause they both spring from the same source of first love.
yay i want to recount EVERY SINGLE DETAIL so i'll never forget it. but so AA la haha and so exhibitionist. haha my blog post are getting more and more frivolous. pongs.
oh dear here goes the rant. pox! we should ttly switch to livejournal and put lengthy rants under cuts!
dash dash dash out of the house! prep and packing into jayne's super cute bag. fainting when the numbers were altered again thank God for jayne and ronald's expert negotiating skills :D. yay the kids cameeee and my cuteboy told me more gossip about his girlfriend :O break my heart only HAHA. station games! where lei's cuteboy was SO CUTE and kept sliding everywhere on the floor to catch the slippery thing that kept being uh slippery and slipping. the accident of MY CUTE BOY )))))): where sma and i thought the poor kid's eyeball came out or smth cause the bruise swelled up so much >< pray that he's okay now! sentosaaaaa - total wreck of jittery nerves was so worried that something might screw up or smth then cannot go/rain/not enough moolah rarr but thank God everything worked out well yay!
palawan beach where the games comm was just so awesome in getting everything ready (: playedplayedplayed till we feared the onset of rain so hustled them all off to the sheltered area to have waterbreak toiletbreak teabreak. then we preped colourful water bombs! at the scandalous hut :O eww. and reallyreally THANK GOD the skies held up and it was just cooling but no rain so yay had our major water bombing fest. which totally phailzed tactically, cause no one protected the poor white-shirters and everyone just kena bombed no matter what. yay so i protected this small little boy that came up to my waist haha very easy to protect cause i'm so BIG and he's so SMALLL (and cute :D). then my deathstare girl (who happily forgot about death staring me yay) BOMBED ME. wtp! then samsoh LOOMED with his horrible green waterbomb. which wasn't enough apparently cause after that came the PAIL :O haha but very fun la yay poor class shirt though.
then prize presentation! i totally cannot remember all the pokemon names la haha but i rmb someone was telling me this HAHAHAH super funny
siti: richorn! richorn! come richorn!
everybody: ignores siti
some helpful soul: psst. it's RIHORN (or smth la i dont know hahah)
little rihorns come running hahahhahaha.
then we did our dance yay kudos to everyone who learnt the dance within such a short period of time woots. then they did their song item which was so cute; not perfect musically, but it hit all the right notes in everyone's heart (: then we had to part ))))): i miss my #2 and #3 cute boys - danish and zanni ): i almost cried when danish said, so we wont get to see you anymore? and when zanni said, but i'll miss you. oh pongs those guys really know the way to a girl's heart ):
then the dunking began when we were at the buspark haha jukie's photos are the bomb, like the play-by-play of yix's dunking. haha poor birthdayboy! so when we got back grace was being a monkey and climbing the coconut tree then yadayada i cant rmb much. then samsoh tried on my specs and next thing was swoosh the world was pulled from under my feet. but haha oh no the poor guys who tried to lug me to the water, i think almost can DIE la i'm fat and heavy like a beached whale woots. yay everyone was wet like a wet thing and splashy like a splashy thing and happy like a happy thing! but woe to us who didn't bring extra ___________ (HAHA LEI!) ):
yay and the best bit was sitting at vivo's amphi and just talking and laughing with everyone and being so free and happily small in the vast space. so happily inconsequential to the great unknown, but blessedly significant to those who care (:
i think this cip has been one of the best experiences ever. learning to work altogether and deal with the changes and curveballs that life strewns around. unexpectedly falling in love with everyone and every individual person all at the same time yet in perceptibly different ways. and experiencing how the feel of a small hand in mine fits like a key to a lock and how the conversation flows so much more freely between 2 set apart by 10 years than maybe 2 set apart by a mere 3 months or so.
oh love to those who realised, who noticed, who cared (: you know who you are and i thank you with as much heart as this girl can muster (:

Sunday, June 01, 2008
Guys' rules
funny stuff that sounds quite true. i think. i'm not a guy
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat.You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.We need it up, you need it down.You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports - It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.Let it be.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one
1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done. Not both.If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials..
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or motor sports1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape! (haha nazri)
1. Thank you for reading this.Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.