reallyreally. it's been the best thing/outing i've been to in eons. beats orientation hands down HAHA okay la maybe it can do with some competition from our SUBCOMM :O but yea i think the last time when such an outing just left me feeling so subtly and yet profoundly happy was p6gep. maybe that's cause they both spring from the same source of first love.
yay i want to recount EVERY SINGLE DETAIL so i'll never forget it. but so AA la haha and so exhibitionist. haha my blog post are getting more and more frivolous. pongs.
oh dear here goes the rant. pox! we should ttly switch to livejournal and put lengthy rants under cuts!
dash dash dash out of the house! prep and packing into jayne's super cute bag. fainting when the numbers were altered again thank God for jayne and ronald's expert negotiating skills :D. yay the kids cameeee and my cuteboy told me more gossip about his girlfriend :O break my heart only HAHA. station games! where lei's cuteboy was SO CUTE and kept sliding everywhere on the floor to catch the slippery thing that kept being uh slippery and slipping. the accident of MY CUTE BOY )))))): where sma and i thought the poor kid's eyeball came out or smth cause the bruise swelled up so much >< pray that he's okay now! sentosaaaaa - total wreck of jittery nerves was so worried that something might screw up or smth then cannot go/rain/not enough moolah rarr but thank God everything worked out well yay!
palawan beach where the games comm was just so awesome in getting everything ready (: playedplayedplayed till we feared the onset of rain so hustled them all off to the sheltered area to have waterbreak toiletbreak teabreak. then we preped colourful water bombs! at the scandalous hut :O eww. and reallyreally THANK GOD the skies held up and it was just cooling but no rain so yay had our major water bombing fest. which totally phailzed tactically, cause no one protected the poor white-shirters and everyone just kena bombed no matter what. yay so i protected this small little boy that came up to my waist haha very easy to protect cause i'm so BIG and he's so SMALLL (and cute :D). then my deathstare girl (who happily forgot about death staring me yay) BOMBED ME. wtp! then samsoh LOOMED with his horrible green waterbomb. which wasn't enough apparently cause after that came the PAIL :O haha but very fun la yay poor class shirt though.
then prize presentation! i totally cannot remember all the pokemon names la haha but i rmb someone was telling me this HAHAHAH super funny
siti: richorn! richorn! come richorn!
everybody: ignores siti
some helpful soul: psst. it's RIHORN (or smth la i dont know hahah)
little rihorns come running hahahhahaha.
then we did our dance yay kudos to everyone who learnt the dance within such a short period of time woots. then they did their song item which was so cute; not perfect musically, but it hit all the right notes in everyone's heart (: then we had to part ))))): i miss my #2 and #3 cute boys - danish and zanni ): i almost cried when danish said, so we wont get to see you anymore? and when zanni said, but i'll miss you. oh pongs those guys really know the way to a girl's heart ):
then the dunking began when we were at the buspark haha jukie's photos are the bomb, like the play-by-play of yix's dunking. haha poor birthdayboy! so when we got back grace was being a monkey and climbing the coconut tree then yadayada i cant rmb much. then samsoh tried on my specs and next thing was swoosh the world was pulled from under my feet. but haha oh no the poor guys who tried to lug me to the water, i think almost can DIE la i'm fat and heavy like a beached whale woots. yay everyone was wet like a wet thing and splashy like a splashy thing and happy like a happy thing! but woe to us who didn't bring extra ___________ (HAHA LEI!) ):
yay and the best bit was sitting at vivo's amphi and just talking and laughing with everyone and being so free and happily small in the vast space. so happily inconsequential to the great unknown, but blessedly significant to those who care (:
i think this cip has been one of the best experiences ever. learning to work altogether and deal with the changes and curveballs that life strewns around. unexpectedly falling in love with everyone and every individual person all at the same time yet in perceptibly different ways. and experiencing how the feel of a small hand in mine fits like a key to a lock and how the conversation flows so much more freely between 2 set apart by 10 years than maybe 2 set apart by a mere 3 months or so.
oh love to those who realised, who noticed, who cared (: you know who you are and i thank you with as much heart as this girl can muster (: