:D :)) !! :S :/ >( :P :D
i dont know what i feel now.
but i know i can choose.
so i do.
on a completely different note, t just introed this song to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhN7SG-H-3k and omggxxedwtp it's absolutely a gorgeous piece and here's the dealbreaker. I CAN PLAY IT!!!! :D :D :D :D :D okay i have to get my sleepyself off to cityhall NAO so i wont be late for dinnerzxzxz. going out everyday is very tiring leh! i have to scribble CHOPED in bigbig letters in my planner so noone can touch them. i feel very important when i say i have a planner. my mom adamantly refers to it as a NOTEBOOK. and the fact that it's pinkISH makes her say NOTEBOOK in much the same way as one would say BARBIEDOLLPLAYSET >( hahaha