if you think me strange in the way of language i am currently uttering, blame not the influenced, but the influence!
hahah ok i shall quit the flowery language now. it's Jane Eyre! the influence that i speak so highly of haha. it's awesome to read, gripping in its storyline and makes you ponder the sentence structure and the way the author phrases emotions and thoughts. gives one a sort of childish joy at being able to make intelligent the long rambling sentences she writes of.
ANYWAY! the purpose of this post was to show the gorgeous dresses (and 1 top) that i'm besotted with. darn the internet. DARN ONLINE SHOPS. DARN ASOS WITH THEIR BEGUILING DRESSES!

and i've saved the best for last! i lovelovelove this colour this dress!

okay, i bet you think me a frivolous creature of shallow taste with little depth of mind. but think what you may, for i'm not disposed to write my innermost thoughts on a page such as this. okay jane eyre has too great an influence on me, i shall quit this page now hahaha.