it's been ages since i've last updated! somehow it feels like the urge to blog only manifests itself when i'm down and i need an outlet to just spew all my inner ramblings.
like thinly-veiled, multi-layered expressions that say what i feel, but in a really oblique manner. the problem with me is, i want you to know, without me having to say a word.
i wish you had called back instead of just messaging.
oh VELLS! on a side note, not a brighter note though (cause it's still so hazy out), I MISS MY BEAUTIFUL SKIES :( of crisp clear blue in the wee hours of the morning, like the air's just been scrubbed. and of deep crimson hues in the dusk as the sun stretches lazily into the horizon. OH INDONESIA! you who colour my palette grey! >:(