I PROFESS, I.HATE.BLOGGER. the horrid system ate up my post which i NICELY took a prety long time [of about 20 minutes, but you needn't know that] to type out. and it ATE IT UP NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! now you see why it is in the most understandable way, for the state of my post to be so rant-like. if it eats it up just ONE MORE TIME[!] i shall hereby go on a blogger strike and show this horrid system not to mess with all my posts. so there. and we shall see then.
it DID eat my posts up. so i just recovered it again. hopefully, it's still hale and hearty. i'm going to start typing out my posts in like word and sending them to pris. what a wonderful friend blogger is. oh and just got back from chalet. i'm really bushed. post more later. and anyway it was nicely fun. =)