i feel super injustified (if there's such a word) lor... how come everyone seem to be targeting at ME this never-show-the-face-lazy co-owner of the blog. I don't post very regularly meh? oh well.. less entries means less crap right? (oops.. didn't mean to offend the OTHER co-owner) *ouch* my arms are killing me lar, the right hand because of stupid ribbony dance prac and left hand cos of the yucky flu vaccine jab, first it felt super painful (super sour lar, if u can taste pain) then now it feels numb. let me declare here: I HATE INJECTIONS!!! eeww. i told you all my entries are crap lar, so less entries less crap! haha this should be my motto for the blog. anyway, had cca sec 4 farewell last nite at my friend's house. wah.. i tell u ar, her house is SUPER SUPER nice and big lar... got a humongous (the spelling looks wrong) swimming pool, wonderfully furnished living room and the spiral staircase is like those palace- kind lar.. oh yar, she even has a golden retriever! wah... am i jealous or am i jealous.
okay back to my philosophical time, hmm or rather this entry shall be some kind of story-telling session. if you already feel like dozing off, don't bother reading this, it's just random burst of ideas as usual. Before i start the erm ingenious story (haha self praise lar), reminder that any resemblance to real life characters is PURELY coincidential blah blah..
here it goes: let's say A (girl) and B (boy) have always been friends, the normal kind lar, JUST friends. then ONE day, A discovers that she's interested in B!!! but if she tells B her feelings, she's afraid that that might repel B so they would not be able to be even friends in the future. but if she keeps inside, it'll be just very sad cos it seems that B is kind of love sick too. A has NO idea who B might be liking (if he likes someone to start with) so everything is just purely guess work. now, if B does like someone, and it turns out that he secretly likes A, but he decides to keep quiet too, thinking that revealing his feelings would ruin the friendship between them. in the end, both sides decide to keep quiet, thinking that the other is in love with someone else, or being afraid of rejection, so all these stuff just turns out to be nothing. don't u think this is something very lament-able and sad? it seems as if fate is playing A and B in its hands the whole time... haiz... if you think this story is very lame, dont' blame me, i don't exactly have a very imaginative mind.. hmm.. it doesn't sound like me to talk about all these eewwy and erm.. lovey-dovey stuff lar, but as i said, it's just pure imagination. so don't come hammering after me if this sounds familiar, and yar, this has NOTHING to do with me. i'm an innocent party (full stop)
wah.. i feel super proud of myself lar. this must have been the LONGEST entry i've written. shall come up with nicer stories the next time. happy hols!