Testify To Love (Album Version)

Thursday, June 01, 2006


howdy-doo. it's been a rather long time, quite a long while in fact. but no worries, everything shall be back to its normal rountine soon enough, i.e. dead blog. :) but anyway, was just feelign mildly inspired after a really good walk out by the beach. haha contemplative mood, no? but ahh well, my contemplations have no room here. BUT! they do have for this reallyreallyreally meaningful thingum i read in the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A ONE-YEAR-OLD! [don't worry, my mental faculties are entirely up to the exhaustive task of reading it]

but i digress.

anyway. there's this really cute excerpt talking about merry-go-rounds. when i got past reliving the sheer physical thrill of it all, i started to ponder on the journey that the horse and i had been on. what occurred to me was this: we had gone nowhere. we had gone in a circle... YET THE TRIP ITSELF HAD BEEN STUPENDOUS. maybe, just maybe, sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. really sorry to the author i ripped this off.

don't you think it's so wonderful? okay, maybe you need to read the book. but we're ALWAYS lamenting how we want to reach somewhere, soemthing, someone SOMEHOW or another. but when we reach there, there's hardly the great THRILL and all you expected isn't it. but the expectation, the waiting, the GETTING THERE, it's the process, the entire i'm going to get there soon heightened sense of expectations that just keeps you moving. :)

ust some qwiebacks for your mind to digest on. :) oh well, anyway don't really suppose there'll actually be ppl reading this, but i like my thougths penned down. sometimes.

say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime [the way i want your eyes to look]
