LOVES AND HUGGS TO POXY, BELLE, YUJIA for all the wacko moments during squash, the wheezing and complaining and starvation during pts and court sessions! and when you tried to imagine zainal's or some poor person's face on the wall, so we'll supposedly hit harder :D :D :D
oh mannn i miss squash! i miss hitting with the sweet spot and getting that OH-SO-WONDERFUL twanggggggggg and when the ball just zips past into the back court. BRILLIANT. :D
HAHAHAHAHA when i saw this pic i was like :D :D :D :D sam and lenard's gayness were so totally random and side-splittingly funny we all would just totally crack up :D haha [insert lenard's ROMANS 1 ARH! ] i miss malacca camp sososososo much! it totally brought sam, van, lenard, dino and me so much closer together and it made us realise how much could be done to make cell so much warmer and closer <3>
and this just brings back memories on how we ALMOST VERY NEARLY got mugged/hunted down/killed when we very sneakily snuck out past midnight to go to macs for food and talk. WAH SEHH. and how the guys were so sweet and protective when they walked us really quickly back to the hotel :D haha they all formed this circle of protection around me and van and escorted us all the way back even though all of us were scared out of our wits. <3
oh boy. see that's why i love photos, they just bring back so many fun brillaint awesome gorgeous memories :D
and today we had our first frisbee non-official training! and i prolly fell down.
so now my knees and elbow and palm are all scratched up ><>
but if your heart's not in it for realplease don't try to fake what you don't feelif love's already goneit's not fair to lead me oncause i would give the whole world for youanything you ask of me i'd dobut i won't ask you to stayi'd rather walk awayif your heart's not in it