camwhore pose 1!

and contrary to popular belief i WAS NOT the one who initiated the camwhoring
i think

and sometimes i think msn etiquette is exceedingly important. especially when it's so easy to be offhand and hurtful without really realising the impact of the very words that you type.
and sometimes it's just the small rubbish conversations that make your day too (: like uplifting messages and IMs that just show how much people are capable of caring.
it's times like these with maddening mugging nonsense that you really sit and wonder. if i just take out all forms of mugging and plain purposeless studying out of my life. just WHAT is left behind? what remains of this very existence if studying is taken out. (that was such an ungrammatical fragment BUT i digress)
because studying in itself is an end. mindless purposeless drivel if the only goal is some narrow-minded achievement on a few loose sheets of industrialised pulp. i want to do so much more in my life! i want to have something SOMETHING that my entire being just quivers with passion and anticipation about. it has to be something that just makes me live, breathe and move. i think i've found my antidote.
have you?
haha i sound like some advert. but yea contemplative pensive reflective >>>>>>>> mugging, for all real values of x where x is a subset of time. WOOTS :D