ooh yay! promos are over FOREVER! and for the life of me i can't understand how that only measly week could have wreaked such upheaval and havoc. but DOUBLE EUU DEE VEE it's over! hallelujah! i'm going to run around on all the usual madcap adventures and do all the crazy things that problematicputridpoohpromos have wrestled from me in that span of time. :]]]
going out too much is tiring! and i just want to curl up on my bed surrounded by all my delicious new books and devour all of them without ever having to get up. nice soft music in the background [LIKE HSM2'S GOTTA GO YR OWN WAY swoonsss] :D my trusty mug of pristine spring water {{{{: and random assortment of snacks. just draw my curtains switch my phone off and TADAH instant literary heaven.
heehee. i love being a hermit when the time calls. today's my nice hermit day cause ALL the past few days have been MADCAP ADVENTURES GALORE. much like the adventures of gummi bears albeit less uh gelatinous :D
friday was awesome with the final release from urgh promos! went to airport with lei jukie and ben in nicenice cab and we talked all sort of rubbish on the way! like AHEM certain elite people's DIFFERENT WAY OF THINKING :D:D:D and my new language of talking which ben was only supposed to be able to understand! haha tried to cajole sammmm to go but he wanted to go library so he went on a quest to find chicklit for me :D good conquest i daresay
yeah so airport was just random talking and laughing haha and lei and i can BANTER with each other with much ferocity! RAWR. but allyship is an unfair thing, cause even the SUPOSSEDLY impartial SWITZERLAND JUKIE has tendencies to take sides D: nonono jukie! no! DDD: and ben is a bigbadboy who takes advantage of the limitations of msn haha and the people's weaknesses to eye gouging. YUCKS
saturday was family shopping day woots! i love joop i love pretty wear! and i hearts bigbig my papa mommy and meimei and we ate alot of rubbish food like seoul garden so now i'm getting fatter and fatter and pudgier and pudgier and soon lei will start crushing me cause i've turned into a big fat white fishball. eww.
haha oh yea and sunday was THE rocks! this is like some recollection thingy and it's getting boringgg i dont like blogging when there's exciting stuffs happening haha so unexciting to blog! heh i'll use my powderful gp summary skills and just say cell was wonderful and service was really good reflection and orcharding with ama cheryl tim jerome was the bomb and meeting wenjun and gayganzz and tanzhenz was shrill-screamingly fun to say the least :D heehee yay i hope open house is fun!
alphabetical ftw :D
haha and prettydates and ahem selegie tauhuey and SIMPANG PRATA and tennis and squash and quiet time and prayer buddies and marathon conference calls and yay youyouyouyouyouyouyouyou for making it all so worth the while <3333