Like a summer sun with its warm embrace
Like a gentle rain plays a symphony
Thats what I want my praise to be
Like a fragrant rose in the early spring
Like an eagle soars when it spreads its wings
Whatever, Lord, You may need from me
That’s what I want my praise to be to You
makes me wanna get up and dancedancedance and freely sing His praise! like at SNOW08 and FOP07060504 :D that's why it's good to have a sister crazier than you, so it doesn't matter when you both start doing little jigs in the bedroom, living room, kitchen. and then you scold each other and beg for the unglamness to stop.
before you start again that is. :D
hmm i think the more things that are happening in my life, the less i feel like blogging about it. which is a good thing! cause it's concretised in my heart and not in my words. which sometimes have a tendency to take on a life of their own and prove so utterly inadequate at capturing the moment.
krazeeone and krazeetoo (: