It's not as sad if we go our separate ways as time takes a toll, and new circles form,
but it's a mishmash of disappointment, and helplessness when you can predict,
you can see right smack in front of you, how some friendships would turn out,
when we all go our separate ways.
Knowing the existence of someone, facing the person for weeks and months,
without ever knowing the person really, then what's the point of knowing
each other in the first place
You say this is more impt now, it's no point salvaging the situation,
it's a pity
People judge you all the time
How much have you adapted to those judgements?
To think twice before saying sth, to keep your thoughts inside,
to tell it to a selected few
But what if even the person you want/feel/think you're the closest to,
makes you feel that way?
You hope to share everything, but you're scared of ruining the impression
that someone has had
Just random thoughts, maybe we always use the word random, so that
if someone thinks what we say is just weird, and 'unacceptable', we can
use that excuse and brush it aside
But what if those thoughts had been inside you for a long long time,
and you wait for the 'right' time to say it
Maybe there's never a right time
Don't grow up swallowing up yourself