only preponderant thought on my mind now is
LET'S GO WATCH! hahaha A's shouldn't have the pleasure of ursurping my entire life
everybody please go watch this work of art okay! and listen to grammy award winning singing (by zac efron) and oscar award winning acting (by zac efron)
today we had an intellectual discussion at recess about whether zacefron really sang or not. and the only logical conclusion is YES OF COURSE HE SANG DO YOU NEED TO ASK reallyreally! i can furnish you with details!
and dinner@rpa (ohh it changed into a link!) haha was good times too. i cannot remember why we were laughing so muich, but it sure felt good haha 'cause when you study history it's veryvery hard to find anything to laugh about. cause people are either lynching each other/the government, squabbling about policies, or running headlong into parang-wielding kommunists.
okay maybe not.
in any case JIAYOU EVERYBODY! it's really the last lap and we're all going to finish this race strong and as a team! (: with God to guide the way (:
/edit: ooh look at this! http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2007/10/how-to-make-macarons-recipe.html this calls for mega baking session after As!