M A D N E S S is how you'll spell it! but it's pure unadulterated fun (:
so. i dont care if this is exhibitionistic i'm going to recount all the days! haha cause my mommy just came back from her church resort camp and asked me what i've been up to and i could barely recall. oh dear mental regression is looking more and more like an apt description of post-As haha.
tues: the start of WHEEEEEEEE fun! hung around with siti lei grace jukie yay to grace and siti who sacrificed studying time to eat in the DESERTED canteen. whoa rj people either really know how to 1) party or 2) hide away studying. summary of the whole hour: we talked alot of rubbish. YAY! then we had pre-practice dance practice with juks and lei woohoo where there was this collumbarium man who was very amused EH FREE (AND GOOD) ENTERTAINMENT OKAY!
okay this is getting a little dry i dont think anyone wants to wade through chunks of text anyway. so uh okay then here goes. swenson's. ZAC EFRON. HSM3. i took a photo with zac! honest to goodness, i shall post it up soon. he was positively BEAMING. :D newton's. good food yumyum. random toilets with ANIMATED MIRRORS. lei and i wasted 5 minutes of our lives staring at it as it changed hahaha.
wed: spent the whole day at my grandparents' house! (((: made me feel really bad for not having spent more time with them so i promised to come kachiao them more. and my ahgong's so cute, we were comparing who's a bigger fan tong and he said he used to be able to eat 3 bowls of rice. then i told him i'll match him during dinner, then he laughed. okay doesnt sound funny but it was! for the record, i DID eat 3 bowls of rice :D woohoo fan tong ftw
thurs: makan date with lynette! ((: i know guidelines of ogl specifically highlighted NO FAVOURITISM but hey you dont begrudge a girl her few momentos from orientation do you. nette yen ygb6 ftw! few i stress. hahah okay joke ah joke ah. woohoo we traversed thomson ate at this really quaint restaurant and had cheese brownies!

then oh! class dinner at breeks the food was not bad and hahaha it was hilarious omg must remember all the quotable quotes!
(hello lei i ripped this off yr blog hope you dont mind ah :D)
after we've been shown to a table and grace was squeezed into the corner seat..
lei: did we say table for 13 or table for 5?
waiter to siti: can i clear this?
siti: oh yeah sure
grace: eh no. i want the carrots
everyone: MIRROR FACE. PAK JIAO FACE. i dont care everybody gave grace the mirror face okay
and we gave jukie her coffee-themed present! :D sorry i said the taboo word ): sorry jukie dont ask ahem ahem ahem and ahem to come after me okay ):
sorry i was quite snappish near the end of diner ): wanted to get home to my daddy fast cause he was home alone. and eh THANKYOU LEI for being underdressed together hahahah we both looked like going to beach ((:
fri: omg. totally too many things packed into one day. my head weakly waved a white flag, surrendered, caved in like a bad souffle and gave me the worst (or best, depending if you're me or my head) headache when i came home ): but well! dance in the morn HAHAHHAAHHAHA juks :O ;) :) :x okay emotes speak a thousand words. malehsia is so passe alr please HAHAH yes im talking about holiday destinations.
finally met up with markypoo! YAY \o/ were supposed to be random and go on makan trail so he nicely came over to rj and we went thomson again! hahah had ms clarity's oh my the bread pudding is simply divine. and the main course was pretty good too roasted chicken stuffed with shitake mushrooms yum. yayyy nice treat ((: then we realised we were too full so our makan trail only had one stop oops. then we went botanical gardens!!!!1111oneone had the most gorgeous time walking around, threatening to topple people into ponds, lying on the grass, feeding fishes and swans (lei! swan-powered batteries!), taking a million photos. (:
then had dinner and chatting session with ahgong and ahma before heading to church for camp prayer session (: really hope camp this year will be really good, and its like its building up to be one; where God can freely move and touch all of us over and over, and over again (: then went home and curled on the bed talking to daddy before getting sidetracked online again haha
sat: MOMMY AND MEIMEI ARE BACK! okay and so we're off to eat dinner soon so bai (: