EMPLOYED! hahaha. and the timing is so precisely specific that it's definitely God's hands guiding every moment of my life. and i'm so thankful! cause right as you know, i didnt want to jump into working so soon after the terror of As so turned down tip. didn't want to commit 9-5 for like 6 mths for an office job so there you go, i was happily hobnobbing around for 2 mths, having fun, going out, SUPPORTING THE ECONOMY. come to think of it, i had a job. i was the ECONOMY-SUPPORTER.
woots. and i didnt even need to take econs HAHA :D so yes then after 2 mths of being a sloth and generally abiding to my every whim and fancy, it all kinda got old. and sian. so registered with a few tuition agencies and thank God! the reply was so super fast so now i'm energised and raring to go, having slacked enough and now promptly and meaningfully occupied. yay!! so tuition 5 times a week now and later going down for interview with singapore children's society to help as a volunteer! i hope my schedule can fit their's though )):
so so thankful (: totally needn't have worried haha silly homo sapiens.
anyway! i cant take it i must post something to do with the crafts post, a sneak peek if you wish hahah.

this was totally cut out of paper. and peter callensen is a professional paper-cutter. how cool a profession is that! the intricate and delicate beauty of the entire paper structure is almost like prose shot through the heart to reveal poetry. love it love it. can view more of his works at http://www.petercallesen.com/index.html (: