haven't blogged for sometime, quite apparently i was ultra pissed off with swearish ppl the last time, yup but i'm in a rather gd mood now, haha finally gao ding int hist essay, eom, parts of written report.. basically cleared the stuff at hand. but sometimes u wonder, do u live each day simply to fulfil the stuff dumped onto u from ytd, and thinking abt tmr's more work? sounds like a narrow-minded ant always hurrying abt his daily duties without appreciating the bigger picture. but then again, wad does bigger picture equal to for us? our idealistic dreams? our childhood aspirations? our simple wish to be loved and love? aiyoh i can feel myself practically floating in mid-air, cos we ultimately have to be jiao ta shi di. the reality is promos are in 4 weeks' time. :(
Poetic Pris (haha nice alliteration!)