YAYYY! today we had awesome p6GEP reunion, where we met the teachers, got interviewed, caught up with each toehr reminiscing about old times (where so many of our memories seemed to involve the silly esacapdes and happenings of a certain someone XD), did wonderful body-spelling (courtesy of the guys), jumped for no particular reason but to join the body-spelling guys :DDDDDD, ate lunch, complained about school, freaked out over how we didn't know what to do with our lifes, annoyed the foodcourt ppl with our constant changing of seats and REALISED HOW MUCH WE MISSED EACH OTHER :))
haha and we camwhored like we can camwhore, with darren ho the experienced camwhorer who realised that "to keep your memories, we have to be bold or daring or bu yao lian " or somethign to that tune anyway. :D
body-spelling was the cool! credit goes to darren and zhiwen who conspiratorically told the teachers they wanted airtime at the end of the interviews. to which the teachers (who know us OH SO WELL) replied something along the lines of is it weird or smth haha. yayy so the guys bodyspelt i heart GEP and we randomly jumped at the end just to obscure their faces :D but the P of GEP tried to jump too HAHAHAHAH darren!
yay then we had lunch where pox and i realised koky is very nice to suan :D haha and we
this post has been lingering in the draft folder for EONS and i realise that everyone's waiting for photos haha and they can;t really be bothered what words come package with it. so yes, i will continue my WORDY passgae some other time! and post all the pics now. even though i'm reminded that i still have 6q nat day photos and class outing and unfinished p6GEP photos to post! oh the joys and trials of camwhoring to SUCH an extent (((: